– boot Linux systems directly from Internet is a service that allows you to boot nearly any operating system or utility on any computer with a wired internet connection – without having to know ahead of time what you’ll want to boot. works through the magic of netbooting over http. There are a number of ways to boot a computer …

Tonidoplug – a sheeva plugin server that uses 5-12watts

TonidoPlug is a tiny, low power, low cost home server based on the 1.2 GHz Sheeva processor that allows you to access your applications, files, photos, music and media from anywhere (Powered by Tonido). TonidoPlug comes pre-installed with powerful Tonido Applications – Photos, Jukebox, Webshare, Workspace, Thots, Explorer, Torrent and Search – all running on …

Open Source everywhere I turn

Is it just me or is this the year of open source? That ever elusive “year of Linux” may not arrive but certainly, it seems the virus of open source is taking hold. It certainly is happening in the kind of Web2.0 projects we are seeing coming up, and many businesses are choosing open business …

Open Source Hardware Projects – Home Fabrication (Part 1)

If personal computing revolutionised the 80’s and the Internet revolutionised the 90’s then I would dare say this decade will (almost) be revolutionised by home fabrication & rapid prototyping. I say almost because, I think it will take 4-6 years before it’s potential is fully realised but I think it holds massive potential. The number …