Boo Language aspx .Net using xsp2 on Mono and Linux (Ubuntu)

I have been playing around with boo a little bit because it has Python-inspired syntax, runs at C# speeds and is a first class citizen on dotnet. So I decided to find out what it would be like to do some web programming in it. I learned a bit about asp.Net in the process and …

Recording Streams with Ubuntu Linux Rhythmbox to mp3 or ogg

There’s three options available for achieving this, as far as I can see: TheLastRipper – This is a fully featured streamripper for that has a great feature set (ID3v2 tags, international characters, automatic directory hierachies) BUT you can not listen to the streams while it’s ripping. It’s got the ‘love’ / ‘ban’ buttons but …

Bulk Export Images to JPG from PDF – bash one liner

Sometimes I forget what power there is in free software. I put this quickie together the other day. Just be aware that it won’t handle any spaces in the PDF filename. for i in *.pdf;do pdfimages $i ${i%.*};done && for i in *.ppm;do ppmtojpeg $i >> ${i%.*}.jpg;done; rm -f *.ppm images are exported as -00n.jpg …