All that is not one..

“All that is not One must ever Suffer with the wound of Absence And whoever in Love’s city Enters, finds but room for One And but in One-ness, Union.” Full Name: Nur ad-Din Abd ar-Rahman (1414-92) Jami was a Persian (Sufi) Poet born near Herat, Afghanistan. Nearly 100 works are attributed to him but is …

My Linux Distributions of Choice

A long, long time ago (actually not THAT long ago) I started to play with Linux. My very first Linux Distribution began with Corel Linux 1.0. I think I did finally get it installed but lo’ and behold that was as far as I got. Knowing very little else to do from there, I wiped …

VMWare, SANs and Replicating on the cheap

Yesterday, I attended the Virtualization Forum here in Sydney and thanks to Raghu Raghuram, VMware’s vice president of datacenter and desktop platform, my eyes were opened about not only the current but additionally the future possibilities of Virtualization. One of my biggest areas of interest in this regard is High Availability and Data Recovery. These …