UFS & ZFS in Virtual Machine vs Ext3 Physical File Benchmarks

Some really bizarre results here that just blew my mind. Check out the “rate” column for both random writes and random reads and compare the Ext3 Ubuntu with Nexenta VM for both UFS and ZFS – UFS is a bit quicker the ZFS. I am not sure whether the virtualisation actually improves the random reads …

Links for the day – Javascript for Rich Internet Applications

Some Interesting Javascript – I am no JS guru, so comments are welcome ExtJS – an interesting javascript library with some half-decent documentation and community, as well as paid support and alternative licensing Shortcut.js – Keyboard enable your web application – this is something that’s seriously needed. I have seen bank tellers migrate from Terminal …

Django screencasts on Showmedo

Have been busy working on a project in Django, so haven’t able to write as much as I like but: Siddhi has some nice Django screencasts over at Showmedo.com I was also reading the Trac / Babel website which ended up hooking me up to a great article from a guy who was thinking about …

Open Source PDF Editor – Part 2

In my last post, I wrote about flpsed a PDF and Postscript editor. I was really surprised about how much traffic the post brought in from google, so I thought I would do a bit more digging around to see what I could find because flpsed doesn’t have the same amount of features as something …

Returning to Amarok and Yakuake instead of Listen and Tilda??

Ok, I have used most of the Gnome music players and they are mostly very good and quite stable but here, I find myself back on Amarok, given up on it’s Gnome counterparts? Well, mostly it’s the tagging capabilities that Amarok offers. Yes, Listen and a few other have musicbrainz support but most of my …

Open Source Mind Mapping & Microfinance Software

I had seen, used and explored Freemind before but never REALLY put it to use. Recently, I began brainstorming for a project that I have had in my head for the last 12 months and I have found Freemind to be brilliant. As is the case with most software I seek out, it is cross-platform …

Links of the day – for my own reference

I shall replicate these at the serious student when I revive it so as to keep this blog focused on open source. The serious student can deal with more life, living, art & philosophy as per the original intention a number of years ago. Building Low Cost Disaster Resistant Housing Programs with Women – at …

Open Source everywhere I turn

Is it just me or is this the year of open source? That ever elusive “year of Linux” may not arrive but certainly, it seems the virus of open source is taking hold. It certainly is happening in the kind of Web2.0 projects we are seeing coming up, and many businesses are choosing open business …